Additional Buildings

In addition to the Mascot Roller Mills and the adjacent Ressler Family Home, four additional structures occupy the property.

Walk through the lush garden located beside the Ressler Family Home and you will find the restored barn, which once held the animals and farming tools owned by the Ressler family.

Sitting directly behind the home is the Summer Kitchen, which features annually changing exhibits that highlight historical figures and artifacts not directly related to the Ressler family or the Mascot Roller Mills.

Overlooking the property from the hill across Newport Road sits the Groff Store-House. Once a central meeting place for local families to connect with one another and to purchase goods, the house is currently being renovated and restored as a meeting place for the Ressler Mill Foundation and an expansion of the museum. The carriage house next to the Groff Store-House currently serves as the offices and meeting space for the Foundation.

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